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Server Dilemma: Dedicated server or managed dedicated server

While shared hosting plans are considered as the best plans for the entry level, you may need to upgrade to higher plans as your business grow. Businesses with really high requirements of dedicated resource can opt for dedicated hosting that guarantee you a specific set of exclusive resource for your website that are available to you all the time and can instantly be used during high demand situations this ensuring the best site performance.

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Relevance of dedicated servers for online gaming business

At one point of time, the computer gaming was enjoyed either on an individual basis or played between 2-3 players. However, the gaming journey has come a long way and today these games can be enjoyed by multiple users across the globe simultaneously. Understandably that requires specific infrastructure and huge amounts of resources capable to work decently even during most demanding situations. The hosting type matters a lot here.

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Best Anti Ransomware to be used in 2017

One of the greatest cyber threats in 2017 is ransomware. Simply put, it is actually a type of malware that is used by the malicious elements to attack your system and encrypt the data. The data freezes and decryption key lies with the attackers. You will get the decryption key only after paying some hefty amount as asked by the attackers. That’s why it is called ransomware.

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How can ccTLDs help you in better search engine ranking?

At one point of time, the online businesses had to rely on a limited number of TLD (Top level domains) like .com, .net or .org. However, with time a number of new TLDs have been introduced including ccTLDs. As many people are opting for ccTLD it would be good to know the influence of ccTLDs on your SEO:

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12 ways to increase the speed of your website (Part 1)

Having a website is a good thing but building a huge audience is even great and even better is to turn them into loyal audience. The user experience maters a lot here and when we talk of the user experience speed is most important. So it is quintessential for you to ensure that your site should have the best speed if you really want to build a loyal audience. But the most pressing question is how to increase the speed.

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Some really helpful tips to find an ideal hosting provider

Once you have designed your website the next thing is to find a suitable web hosting services. Choosing the right hosting provider is very important if you want to enjoy a smooth online experience and make a strong identity for your website. As more and more businesses are entering the online arena, the competition is at all time high. Besides, Google keeps on introducing a number of guidelines to ensure the best user experience.

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How to safeguard your site against domain blackmailing?

Just like your brick and mortar business, your reputation is intensely influenced by your website and domain name if you are in the online business. Your website represents your reputation. Unfortunately there are some malicious elements out there that know that and plan to take undue advantage of that. They indulge in a very harmful practice known as domain blackmailing.

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Scope of internet and cloud based solutions in education sector and growth of skill of students by internet and cloud

The Internet in general is one of the greatest innovations of the mankind as it has helped in widening connectivity and allowing people to work collaboratively despite the geographical and cultural differences. Another major innovation is cloud-based solutions that have further added to the functionality of internet like storage and data manipulation. It has helped a healthy growth in many sectors. One such sector is education.

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.Shiksha: An educational gTLD with a Heritage value

In a bid to offer more choices to the website owners, ICANN introduced new gTLD program that widens the choices for the people and at the same time allow them to use more specific and relevant domain names. the website owner has a better way to strengthen his online identity in a more emphasized manner. It has also affected the online audience preferences. Due to their very specific character, new gTLDs are often a subject of discussion in the domain industry.


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